We believe the best foundation for a strong education is learning how to learn. Our students are actively engaged in the learning process through guided exploration and discovery.

Boy laughing

We recognise that elementary students possess the ability to think abstractly, and have a tremendous appetite for knowledge and powerful imaginations. You can read through our summarised Curriculum Map here:

Our Elementary curriculum is a natural progression of the children’s early explorations and is cemented in the tradition of storytelling that begins each year with the Great Lessons. Each story is told over a number of days and weeks and interpreted by the children though props, science experiments, drama games, movement, art, music, and much much more.

Montessori - Cosmic Education

The Elementary curriculum is built around the narrative of the five Great Stories. Told in varying styles and depths over the six years (from 6-12), they capture the wonder of the universe from the mighty galaxies to the tiniest quarks and gluons. The intricacies of human history, interconnectedness and survival are juxtaposed against the enormity of the known universe.

The universe

The Universe Begins

  • What is a 'singularity'?
  • When did the Earth form?
  • What are the basic properties of all matter?

The Coming of Life

  • What set the early conditions for life?
  • How does each organism contribute to the ecosystem?
  • Could life exist elsewhere?

The Coming of Humans

  • What was life like for hominids?
  • Are the fundamental human needs?
  • What does it mean to be human?

The Story of Writing

  • What was the first word? Who spoke it and why?
  • How did written communication evolve?
  • In what ways is writing used today?

The Story of Numbers

  • Why did/do people need numbers?
  • How did early peoples' use measurement?
  • In what ways does maths underline the refinement of the human mind?

Interspersed through all areas of study and used as the tools with which we access the Cosmic Curriculum are:

Practical Life Skills
  • Time management and organisation skills
  • Conflict resolution tools
  • Personal hygiene, cooking, sewing, gardening, cleaning
  • Plant and animal care
  • Earning and using money
  • Exercise and outdoor activity
  • Yoga
  • Always moves from the concrete to the abstract
  • Builds a mathematical mind
  • Develops understanding of concepts through sensorial exploration of concrete materials
  • Discovery based
  • Includes arithmetic, geometry, algebra, problem solving, history of mathematics
Language and Literacy
  • Drama, poetry, literature, song, music, dance, story
  • Reading taught with both phonetic and whole language approach
  • Grammar studies present the structure of language coherently, so the child will learn to speak and write well
  • Library & reference books are used for research & pleasure
  • Handwriting begins with hand control exercises
  • Creative writing skills develop from level to level
  • Spelling taught by analysing generalisations and rules.

  • Physical – land & water formations, maps & globes, hydrosphere, biomes
  • Cultural – continent and country studies
  • Economic – natural resources and their uses, interdependence of nations
  • Includes cosmology, chemistry, astronomy, palaeontology and geology
  • Extensive biology nomenclature study
  • Classification of living organisms
  • Ecological viewpoint – the interdependence of all life
  • Using scientific inquiry skills
  • Development of observation skills
  • Health and nutrition
History & Basic Needs of People
  • Building an understanding of time and historical time
  • Development of life on Earth
  • Ancient civilisations
  • Modern history
  • Anthropology